In these studies, originally published in Tamil for the use of village teachers and other church workers of the Church of South India, Bishop Newbigin reaches the heart of the chritian gospel in his discussion of the two essential elements of christian faith -the sin of man and salvation from God.
A contribution to the Worla Council if Churches` Ecumenical Decade in Solidarity with Women, this book describes how women are rendered powerless in society and chucrch, and explores how they may by empowered and how they may celebrate their power. In three sections eleven women from eight countries reflect on expressions of powerlessness, bring out insights from a variety of biblical sources, and discuss the appropriate and inappropriate uses of power.
The power we celebrate, in the words of Mercy Oduyoye, WCC deputy general secretary, in "one more example of womens`s gossip whispered among women becoming a word for the ears of the whole community".
Amidst conflict situations all around our increasingly violent world -ranging from wars between nations to abuse of women and children within the home- women are making effective, coutrageous and often creative nonviolent responses. Yet little attention has been given to the specific contributions of women to "conflict resolution". This book helps to fill the gap. After three analytical essays, women from thirteen countries around the worls present case studies of how women`s groups are confronting violence in their context. A rich variety of approaches is reflected here, ranging from the political to the educational to the pastoral. What they have in common is that all grow out of an awareness of the interlinkages of various forms of violence, an emphasis on practical action and an insistence on nonviolence as the only appropriate and workable means of responding to violence.
En estas páginas encontraremos niños muy parecidos a los nuestros: sanos, normales, alegres. Pero la autora nos enfrenta con otra realidad. Esos mismos niños se sienten solos, atemorizados y con problemas frente a los adultos.
Carole Klein, madre y experta educadora, nos lleva de la mano por el mundo de los niños, compagina la experiencia de otros padres y el estudio de otros educadores y nos sugiere cómo ser padres de una manera más inteligente.