Christians often misunderstand one another when they refer to the Kingdom of God. They may ask: "Is it here on Earth? In our hearts? In our churches?"
Over the past fifteen years, best-selling author Howard Snyder has been helping pastors and church leaders understand kingdom terminology. Now he explains in eights models how the kingdom or reign of God has been and may be conceived.
One aspect of John Wesley`s life given scant attention by most biographers is his impassioned efforts to end slavery. Utilizing Wesley`s letters, diaries, amd other writings, Warren Thomas Smith chronicles John Wesley`s relationship to slavery from his first encounter with chained slaves in Charleston, South Carolina, to his subsequent systematic investigation of and condemnation of the slave trade.
El célebre catedrático de Historia Natural de la Universidad de Glasgow, Dr. Drummond, pronunció ante un número de estudiantes un brillante discurso sobre el capítulo trece de la Primera Epístola a los Corintios, en el cual describía el amor como el sumo bien. Sin que el orador lo supiera, porque había ido a una excursión científica al África, su discurso fue impreso y distribuido. En brevísimo tiempo obtuvo este folleto doce ediciones, y se vendieron más de 25.000 ejemplares. Se tradujo este librito a varias otras lenguas, y el éxito fue grande en todas partes. Más tarde siguió otro folleto bajo el título "Pax voviscum", que aumentó el renombre que el autor de "La Cosa más Grande del Mundo" ha alcanzado en todos los países anglosajones.
The renewal of Bible study and the quickening of Christian social conscience that have marked "ecumenical reformation" in our time are here shown to be intimately related. Kraemer outlines what is need for "the development of a Christian social ethic that will be at once more faithful to the Bible and more relevant to the modern situation" than previous ethics, writes the editor. Distinctive is the emphasis that Kraemer, a layman in The Netherlands and former director of the Ecumenical Institute of the World Council of Churches, puts on the part lay men and women must play in developing such as ethic. The important role he assigns to the social sciences, on which he says we must depend for information about the modern situation, should make his essay of particular interest to American readers.