
En Cuba, a partir de finales de los años 80, hizo irrupción el fenómeno del carismatismo, provocando debates, polarizaciones y cismas, incluso dentro de las iglesias históricas. Así que era inevitable que surgieran muchas y muy serias interrogantes acerca de este fenómeno: ¿Se trata de un fenómeno similar al de otros países del continente? ¿Es fruto de la propia dinámica de las iglesias cubanas, o un fenómeno importado?

Esta obra aborda esas y otras preguntas, con espíritu abierto y ecuménico. En ella han colaborado científicos sociales, historiadores, teólogos y laicos que son investigadores, participantes, simpatizantes o críticos del llamado movimiento carismático.


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Estos trabajos escritos por Ernesto Che Guevara, que constituyen verdaderos clásicos, nos presentan una visión revolucionaria de un mundo diferente en el cual la solidaridad humana, la ética y el entendimiento, reemplazan a la explotación y agresión imperialista.

Che Guevara nació en Argentina y viajó a través de toda Latinoamérica antes de incorporarse al movimiento revolucionario cubano que derrocó a la dictadura por-norteamericana de Batista en 1959. A pesar de ser más conocido entre los jóvenes del mundo como guerrillero, este libro lo muestra en su dimensión de profundo pensador y teórico, con una visión más radical acerca de las estructuras de dominación imperantes. 


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In May 1986, Jhon Hull, an American farmer with holdings in northern Costa Rica, sued American journalists Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey for libel and defarmation of character. The journalists had accused him, in their report on the La Penca press conference bombing, of working for the CIA, serving as a liaison to the contras operating out of Costa Rica, and being involved in drug trafficking. In the trial in San Jose, a series of withnesses including Eden Pastora, several mercenaries, other journalists and a U.S. public defender, gave startling testimony about the operations of the CIA and the contras in Costa Rica. The trial, which was largely ignored by Costa Rica's major media, pitted the American intelligence agency and the U.S. Embassy against the press. The judge ruled in favor of the journalists, absolving them of any crime. Jhon Hull appealed and, two months later, the Costa Rican Supreme Court threw out the case and uphald the journalists' innocence.   


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In the multi-religious context of our world today, Christians are a minority community. This is particularly so in Asia where Christians are only about two percent of the total population. Even in North America and Europe the freedom of religious choice is no longer only within the context of the Christian faith and Christian community. Other major religious and many new spiritual movements are on the rise and are becoming explicity missionary. This has brought to the fore questions of what Christian obedience means in relation to religious pluralism. How can there be dialogue? Can there be partherships between people of different faiths and what must the bases of such partnerships be?


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