
Etiquetado limpio, más allá de una moda / Natural + etiqueta limpia: dos mega tendencias / Proteína de suero, una solución simple y clara / Un requisito que llegó para quedarse / Mejores etiquetas = mejor nutrición / Nuevas formas de texturas con extrusión de alimentos / Carbohidratos buenos vs. Malos: ¿cuál elegir? / Vitamina K2 MK-7: huesos sanos, cuerpo sano / Salsas, un mundo con amplias posibilidades.

Entrevista: José Ellena (Cadeiros): “Se piden garantías porque recuperar un inmueble no pagado lleva 3 años” / Dossier Comercio Exterior: Introducción / Nueva Etapa: Una chance para volver a los mercados externos / Experiencias: Los casos de Kretz, Anpec-cort, Mafralac, Deubel, Alimentos Zyma y Crowie / Nota de Tapa: Mercados financieros en pugna por el liderazgo / Novedades: Vicentín y Ultramar desarrollarán un mega parque logístico en Alvear / Cuentavueltas: Equinox, la SUV más exitosa de Chevrolet ya se vende en Argentina.

The Price of growth: consumption insurance in China 1989 – 2009  / International transmission with heterogeneus sectors / The gains from imput trade with heterogeneus importers / Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability / A model of endogeneus loan quality and the collaps of the shadow banking system / Low real interest rates, colateral misrepresentation, and monetary policy / The effect of consumer sentiment on consumption: cross-sectional evidence from elections / Coporate income tax, legal form of organization, and employment.

Why has urban inequality increased? / Social networks as concract enforcement: evidence drom a lab experiment in the field / Access to migration for rural households / Foreign rivals are coming to town: responding to the threat of foreign multinational entry / Economic shocks and crime: evidence from the brazilian trade liberalization / Mentors or teachers? Microenterprise training in Kenya / Role models or individual consulting: the impact of personalizin micro-entrepreneurship training / The effect of terrorism in employment and consumer sentiment: evidence from successful and failed terror attacks / Modern family? Paternity leave and marital stability / Diabetes and diet: purchasing behavior change in response to health information.


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