
Juan Pablo II vino a la Argentina. Como él mismo lo anunciará en su carta del 25 de mayo, lo hizo intentando repetir el gesto paternal del apóstol Pablo hacia sus hijos. Y lo logró ampliamente. Fuimos abrazados paternalmente en la Fe. Y eso es lo que importa, muy por encima de cualquier otra especulación que pudiéramos haber hecho.


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Biblical texts create worlds of meaning, and invite readers to enter them. When readers enter such textual worlds, wich are often strange and complex, they are confronted with theological claims. With this in mind, the purpose of this series is to help serious readers in their experiences of reading and interpreting, to provide guides for their journeys into textual worlds. The controlling perspective is expressed in the operative world of the title -interpreting. The primary focus of the series is not so much on the world behind the texts or out of wich the texts have arisen (though these worlds are not irrelevant) as on the world created by the texts in their engagement with readers.


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