
When Britain turned inward: the impact of interwar British protection / The taxing deed of globalization / Drilling like there’s no tomorrow: bankruptcy, insurance, and environment risk / Recovery from the great depression: the farm channel in spring 1933 / Equilibrium provider networks: bargaining and exclusion in health care markets / Demand and supply of infrequent payments as a commitment device: evidence from Kenya / The social value of financial expertise / Learning to coordinate: a study in retail gasoline / Fainess and frictions: the impact of unequal raises on quit behavior / Financing durable assets / Optimal trend inflation.

Informe Especial: Agroindustria: Evolución y desarrollo / Ovoproductos: De la granja a la mesa / Agricultura segura, responsable y sustentable / Maíz para una mejor seguridad alimentaria / México, entre miel y abejas / Cosechas más rentables de la mano de la tecnología / El futuro de las harinas no convencionales / Microbiota sana para una vida sana / Comer de forma sostenible / Startups innovadoras y creativas.

Presentación / El pragmatism de Susan Haack / Susan Haack y la ética académica: En defensa de la investigación genuina / Pragmatismo jurídico. La propuesta de Susan Haack / Realismo inocente. Metafísica y pragmatismo en la filosofía de Susan Haack / From fallbilism to foundherentism: A genealogy of Susan Haack’s reconstruction of epistemology / Haack on legal proof / La filosofía de la ciencia de Susan Haack / The world and how we know it: Strumbling towards an understanding / Notas y Comentarios: La coherencia del teísmo según Richard Swinburne / Bibliografía / Libros recibidos.

Elite colleges and upward mobility to top jobs and top incomes / Some casual effects of an industrial policy / Are low interests rates deflationary? A paradox of perfect-foresight analysis / The long-term effects of management and technology transfers / A spatial knowledge economy / An economic analysis of privacy protection and statistical accuracy as social choices / How do patents affect follow-on innovation? Evidence from the human genome / Making moves matter: experimental evidence on incentivizing bureaucrats through performance-based postings / Optimal regulation of financial intermediaries / The cyclicality of sales, regular and effective prices: business cycle and policy implications: Reply.


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