
Jesus and the land is an attempt to reconstruct the life of Jesus based on insights gaineed from the land. How did Jesus´ minitry begin? What led him from Nazareth and exclusive judaism to Capernaum and inclusive Hillelian judaism? What events led to the increase of his popularity, and how did this popularity result in his eventual execution? Our task is not easy; nor can it ever be complete. Too much information is unavailable. But it is possible to fill in pieces of the puzzle opf Jesus´ life by taking this interdisciplinary approach, by looking at the land of the Bible. My goal in this work is to provide the reader an opportunity to see Jesus in the context of the land... This is the story of a man´s life and times.


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What sort of theological education and ministerial formation is needed to prepare Christian leaders who can inspire new life and renew and transform the church? That critical question is being posed today in a context of social and cultural upheavals wich have left many historic church institutions with unprecedented doubts and uncertainty. The search for viable theological education was the focus of a global gathering organized by the World Council of Churches in Oslo in 1996, bringing together some 120 theologians, educators and ecumenical leaders from 40 countries and many church traditions, and drawing on an extensive three-year study programme. The presentations and responses from that meeting collected here -on ecumenism, tradition, financial support, education of the whole people of God and renewal- make this book a uniquely insightful and challenging overview of a central concern on the agenda of every church and of the ecumenical movement. Also included are the message and recommendations of the participants and five fascinating portraits of "theological education" in the Bible by the Indian Jesuit Samuel Rayan.


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