
Confident that universal truths could be identified and agreed upon by rational persons everywhere, modernity threw off external authorities such as religious dogma and insisted on the freedom of the individual to discover truth through his or her own reason. We now live in the twilight of the modern world, when the pluralistic character of our societies demands that we recognize many competing claims to truth. Yhis new, "postmodern" situations in which we find ourselves is an especially difficult challenge to evangelical theology, wich defends historic Christian truth claims as universal, and Christian Scriptures as uniquely authoritative for everyone.


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"One way!". The shout is being raised by hundreds of enthusiastic young evangelists. Who are these "Jesus freaks"? What caused this sudden upsurge of fundamentalist Christianity? Is this the latest fad from California or the first wave of a coming age?
While the radical switch from doing drugs and sex to whitnessing and Bible reading has delighted some adults, there are yhose who are concerned about the fanatic quality that characterizes the activities of many of these groups. Some criticize the simplistic view of Christianity. Others feel the relectance of many Jesus People to find jobs is simply another form of escape from reality and responsibility.


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