

Nonparametric Counterfactual Predictions in Neoclassical Models of International Trade/ Evidence Games: Truth and Commitment/ Gender Differences in Accepting and Receiving/ Using a Free Permit Rule to Forecast the Marginal/ Inflation Dynamics during the Financial Crisis/ The Grat Escape? A Quantitative Evaluation of the Fed’s Liquidity Facilities/ A Structural Model of the Retail Market for Illicit Drugs/ Modeling the Revolving Revolution: The Debt Collection Channel/ Unplanned Purchases and Retail Competition/    

Link: https://www.aeaweb.org/issues/446


Racial Discimination in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from a Field Experience/ Sanitation and Education/ Expertise versus Bias in Evaluation: Evidence from the NIH/ Singing Up New Fathers: Do Paternity Establishment Initiatives Increase Marriage, Parental Investment, and Child Well-Being?/ Vocational Training for Disadvantaged Youth in Colombia: A Long-TermFollow-Up/ Dodging the Taxman: Firm Misreporting and Limits to Tax Enforcement/ Saving Soviet Science: The Impact of Grants When Government/ The Distortionary Effects of Incentives in Government: Evidence from China’s “Death Ceiling” Program/ Wealth Heterogeneity and the Income Elasticity of Migration/ The Local Political Economy Effects of School Construction in Indonesia/

Link: https://www.aeaweb.org/issues/448


Job Ladders and Earnings of Displaced Workers/ Bank Leverage Cycles/ The Great Housing Boom of China/ The Effects of the Real Oil Price on Regional Wage Dispersion/ Moving to a Job: The Role of Home Equity, Debt, and Access to Credit/ Safe Assets, Liquidity, and Monetary Policy/ Credit Relationships and Business Bankrupcy during the Great Depression/ Nominal Exchange Rate Determinacy under the Threat of Currency Counterfeiting/ 

Link: https://www.aeaweb.org/issues/450


Spotlight/ Señales bursátiles/ A río revuelto…/ ¿Conviene el carry trade en pesos?/ ¿Tenemos una tarjeta de crédito o ella nos tiene a nosotros?/ YPF, la acción vedette del 2017/ ¿Y si construimos un muro alrededor de Sarmiento 299?/ Cifras/ Emisión de deuda: ahogarse o crecer/ Blanquear en metros cuadrados: FCI inmobiliarios/ Snapchat sale a la bolsa para competir con Instagram/ Novedades del mundo empresario/ Gustavo Valdemoros: “Los cajeros se caían porque no alcanzaban los billetes”/ Dinero electrónico: ¿mucho ruido y pocas nueces? Nueva ley de ART: Juicio no va más/ Eduardo Iglesias: “Hay que buscar la innovación permanente”/ El tren helado/ Un lujo posible/ Renault Captur: más que una cara bonita/ Constanza Gorleri: “En Argentina, la banca se encuentra detrás en políticas de RSE”/ Breves de RSE/ Hombre de la Bolsa/

Link: http://www.alzasybajas.com.ar/


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