
This new book is a personal challenge to revitalize self, and thereby revive church and society. The Rev. Mr. Schoemaker, rector of Calvary Episcopal Church in New York City since 1925, and author of a host of inspirational books, begins his inquiry into the causes of our difficulties by facing the fact that the crisis in our world is, at bottom, a crisis in the soul of man.
From his fruitful experience in the "cure of souls" the author proceeds to lay down the absolute fundamentals for bringing about some essential changes. While he keeps his eyes open to the neccesity of outward change for world survival, he makes clear what the biggining is. "Unless something happens to us and in us, it will not happen through us."

Need and our resources. How people find God. Making faith real to people. Making faith work in situations. "By all means". Working "cell". Some spiritual principles. "Beggining with me".


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When is a book more than a book?
When it's the getaway to an on-line exploration of the genetic code of the great spiritual awakening known as the Wesleyan movement, and how that code can spark renewal and transformation within the churches of the twenty-first century. This is the first theological book linked directly to a Web Site, one that picks up the book's ideas and takes the realder into a deeper and broader search for knowledge and understanding.

Timing gene. Fast learning/unlearning gene. Cell gene. Stacking gene. Team gene. Good (Get-out-of-doors) gene. Ministry movilization gene. Wired gene. Health & holiness gene. Music gene. Altars-gate gene.


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This is a book about "environment ethics" from a Christian perspective, although the author warns at the outset that the term "environment" is misleading if one understands it to refer only to a surrounding world separate from outselves. For, he says, the situation of the earth today shows that "the world around us is also within. We are an expression of it; it is an expression of us. We are made of it; we eat, we drink and breathe it... This is not so much environment as the holy mystery of creation."
Creatively interweaving insights from religion, ethics, natural science, economics and social analysis, Larry Rasmussen demostrates how the ecological predicament in which the world finds itself today reflects and reinforces a wide range of crisies that afflict contemporary society. Yet he also argues that, despite all the "bad news", there is still reason to hope - "a healing and sustaining power that runs deep in life itself" -.


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Esta obra, "Cristianismo na Anérica Latina e no Caribe: trajetórias, diagnósticos, prospectivas", é una valiosa contribuçao para o de debate dos principais temas que compôem a pauta de discussâo da Conferência sobre o Cristianismo na América Latina e no Caribe, realizada de 28 de julho a 1° de agosto de 2003, em Sâo Paulo, Brasil.
Os textos ofrecidos pelos conferencistas expressam a multidisciplinaridade e os diferentes pontos de vista característicos desse evento, considerado un espaço tanto para a análise e o balanço crítico da caminhada do cristianismo no continente nos últimos anos, como para apontar perspectivas futuras que garantam a coerência da fé cristâ professada pelos povos latinoamericanos e caribenhos.

Questôes emergentes na caminhada do cristianismo na América Latina e no Caribe. Memória da caminhada do cristianismo na América Latina e no Caribe. Globalizaçao e justiça social: desafios as religiôes. Prospectivas teológicas e pastorais.


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