
In volumen 2 Dr. M. Cameron discusses historical developments in the Twentieth Century. In volume 4 authors Stotts and deats discuss guidepoints for strategy.

Developmet of the methodist response. Structure of the methodist response. Major areas of the methodist concern and action. issues for the future. Challenge of methodist social action. Strategic response of methodist to the challenge. Methodist in its social situation. From theory to practice. From theory to practice.


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Pedagogies for the non-poor succeeds in breaking down that impasse. The authors and contributors set out to shape educational models -rootedin Freire´s pedagogy for the poor- the would help to tranform the non-poor and break down the ideology of privilege. But their goal was not to write a book about transfromative education for the non-poor: it was to shape a book that engages readers in the process of transformation.

Peacemaking in a local parish. Parenting for peace and justice. Plant clousers project. Bread for the world. Women´s theological center. Chrysalis program. Travelling for transfromation. Gospel agenda in a global context. Conversations with Paulo Freire on pedagogies for the non-poor. Ideological captivity of the non-poor. Education for emancipation: movement toward transformation.


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The "signs of the times" today seem over whelming to speak of death, not life. in such a world, the author says the followers of Jesus must "make known and live the reality that the God of life chooses, with passionate love, to be alongside those eho have been cast aside". Drawing on his long experience with people, groups and communities who have been made poor, Kenith David explore five "visible signs of invisible grace", wich illustrate tghe binding togethe with God of those who are crushed by the powers and identity, and the vision of the "new dawn". These, he says, are sacraments rediscovered in struggle -realities that enable the crushed and downtrodden to make sense of their pain and to steive towards fullness of life and the reign of God.

Sacrament and struggle: the angle of vision. Signs of the times. Sign, symbol and sacrament. Witness as struggle. (Re)discovering sacraments in struggle. Sacrament of life. Sacrament of land. Sacrament of name-identity. Sacrament of "the dawn of a new age". ...in the perspective of the reign of God.


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This survey -a "talk-back" from local churches throughout the United States- expresses feellings and opinions conserning the present and the future of the established churches.
based on a wide range of questions, the answers refer both to the successes and failures of the present church. One of the main cries for the person represented was the need for a chance to be fully human. As one participant stated it, "I´m noy a number; i´m a me." Some readers will be shocked at what young people think of the "establishment". Some of the church boards and agencies will cringe at what the survey says about needed changes. Regardless of the personal opinions, the fact remains that the insights of all are important and must be recognized if the established church is to survive.
Written in an easy-to-read style based on thorough research, the book will be of interest to laymen and ministers who are concerned with the future work of the church. Although this survey was made in the United Methodist Church, it will be valuable to any denomination involved in self-appraisal.

An ear to the ground. Some hit tunes. Trends: the top of the heap. Trends: digging on down. issues: beyond the gothic walls. issues: Through stained glass darkly. Needs: open the doors and see all the people. Needs: spring cleaning. Some dead horses and a few colts aborning. Tempted, yet compelled!


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