
Wesley came to the conclusion that real christians are those whose inward (and outward) lives have been transformed by the bountiful sanctifying grace of God -what he termed real christianity, and this he strove for himself. Real christianity, as Wesley understood it, embraces both works of piety and mercy, the personal and social. That is, it embraces, for example, working among the poor and forgotten, genuinely encountering the "other" as one of the more important means of growing in the love of God and neighbor. The movement of real christianity, then, is from the self to God in such a way that one lives in God through faith, and in the neighnor through love. Accordingly, the book serves both as a fine, brief biography, but also as one which makes remarkables sense of Wesley´s own spiritual journey.


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Here is a small reference book with a heart. A protestant minister discusses what be calls "the helping professions" -the church, medicine, law, teaching, social work- showing families in trouble what each has to offer and suggesting ways to identify reliable people and organizations in any community. He illustrates with sample problemas ranging from adoption to aging relatives, from "problem" children to alcoholism.


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