Lunes, 12 Abril 2021 16:06

Pedagogies for the non-poor / Alice Frazer Evans- Donación Ana Rita, Carlos, Rubén Pagura Alegría

Pedagogies for the non-poor succeeds in breaking down that impasse. The authors and contributors set out to shape educational models -rootedin Freire´s pedagogy for the poor- the would help to tranform the non-poor and break down the ideology of privilege. But their goal was not to write a book about transfromative education for the non-poor: it was to shape a book that engages readers in the process of transformation.

Peacemaking in a local parish. Parenting for peace and justice. Plant clousers project. Bread for the world. Women´s theological center. Chrysalis program. Travelling for transfromation. Gospel agenda in a global context. Conversations with Paulo Freire on pedagogies for the non-poor. Ideological captivity of the non-poor. Education for emancipation: movement toward transformation.


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